
Notion definition synonyms
Notion definition synonyms

Ride does not need to be inducted as a member of the synonym set-no one has to say ' ride means the same thing as car' in order for the synonym relation to be understood. For example, every time a new slang term meaning 'automobile' is invented, a synonym relation is predicted for the new slang term (say, ride) and the standard and slang terms that already exist ( car, auto, wheels, etc.).

notion definition synonyms

If we invent a new word that represents (to some extent) the same thing that an existing word in the language represents, then the new word is automatically a synonym of the older word. The Productivity of Synonymy - "The productivity of synonymy is clearly observable.(Alan Partington, Patterns and Meanings: Using Corpora for English Language Research and Teaching. However, given the rarity of absolute synonymy, learners also need to know which of the particular synonyms given by dictionaries and thesauruses is the most suitable for any given context." Harvey & Yuill (1994) found that searches for synonyms accounted for over 10 percent of dictionary consultations when learners were engaged in a writing task. For motives of stylistic variation, non-native learners and translators have a pressing need to find lexical alternatives to express a particular concept, especially in writing. In addition, what we might term 'definition through synonym' is a central feature of most dictionary organisation (Ilson 1991: 294-6). For the latter, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that vocabulary is often best acquired by analogy, in other words, remembered as being similar in meaning to previously acquired forms.

notion definition synonyms

For the former, synonymy is an important member of the theoretical set of logical relations existing in language.

  • "The phenomenon of synonymy is a central interest for both the semanticist and the language learner.

  • Notion definition synonyms