The camcorder also has a zoom function which you'd be foolish to overlook in favour of night vision.
Mount massive asylum full#
In a game full of horror and revulsion, the insistent bleep of a low battery warning is just as disconcerting as the howling wind or far-off screams of pain. You need batteries to power your camcorder's night vision, which allows you to spot enemies and work your way through the darker locations, but in Whistleblower it feels as if batteries are less abundant and they don't last quite as long. The mechanics of Outlast are still the same, then. And don't forget to look up if you feel like you're going around in circles because there's really only ever one way through each section of the game. Always take a mental note of where the hiding spots are and run like hell when you're discovered. You have no offensive tactics here, you must run and sneak and outsmart your foes. The same rules apply as they did in the original Outlast. Grab a camcorder to run for your life, creep through the shadows and avoid the cannibals, the killers, the insane and the supernatural. No time is wasted as you're thrown back into welcome, familiar and generally unpleasant territory. You're employed by the sinister Murkoff Corp and attempting to leak secrets does nothing more than bring you a swift kick to the ribs and… worse. There's an instant link to the original game - you're playing the role of Waylon Park, your first action is to press send on an email to investigative reporter Miles Upshur - and then it's quickly into an experiment-gone-wrong, a slap around the face and, horribly, a tongue in the ear.

Like all good horror movies, Outlast: Whistleblower starts strong with shocking violence and simple storytelling. You can read our impressions of the original Outlast here. This DLC tells the story of Waylon Park, the guy who emails your character at the start of the original Outlast.Įxpect some closure for Miles Upshur and explanation of the outbreak at Mount Massive Asylum. Matt Martin returns to Mount Massive Asylum to find DLC wrapped in dirty rags, gore and internal organs.